October 18, 2024

The Genealogy Network of Texas is proud to present our fourth totally virtual genealogy event. This event began 24 years ago as an annual lockin for the Waco McLennan County Library Genealogy Center and the Central Texas Genealogical Society. It eventually grew to a webinar based event where libraries across Texas had simultaneous events and shared presentations across the network through a series of webinar sessions.

This year, for the fourth time, all the presentations have been pre-recorded and will be shared through a video streaming service, giving each participating library or genealogy society the opportunity to create their own schedule of presentations.

Thank you for coming to our virtual genealogy event! If you are seeing this page on October 18th, then proceed to the URL provided by your local library or genealogy society. If you have not received a web address to participate, you are welcome to participate through the Waco site, which can be joined by clicking below.